New Year’s resolutions—we all make them, but most of us either lose interest or motivation for them a few months into a new year.
It shouldn’t surprise us to hear that while approximately one in 3 Americans set resolutions; less than 50-percent actually stick to them for a 6-month duration unless they we actually view them as vital to our healthy.
Here are 8 New Year’s resolutions that pay off health wise for years to come…
1. Quit Smoking
Quitting smoking is hard. You might not conquer your nicotine habit the first or even the third time you try to kick it. However, butting out teaches us that failure is a part of life, and that sometimes, multiple attempts are required before we succeed. Oftentimes, it’s taking the onus off personal health and quitting for financial reasons that spells triumph.
2. Decrease Stress
We all need a little heat under our butts to keep us on our toes. But constant high stress will drain you of energy and health—quick! High levels of stress are linked to an assortment of health woes, including insomnia, depression, weight gain, heart disease, and high blood pressure. So aiming to decrease anxiety to get more sleep, exercise, and quality time with those you love will only increase your quality of life.
3. Financial Savings
Saving (in the financial sense) can have dual benefits for health and lifestyle. For instance, you may attempt to cut costs by driving less and walking more (i.e., to work or to do errands). When in fact, you’re essentially keeping more money in your pocket and getting more exercise at the same time.
4. Continued Learning
This resolution can refer to book learning, career boosting, or life learning, but regardless, it transcends all age groups. Boosting your brainpower in your young teens to middle-age and even for seniors will create a sense of accomplishment, boost self esteem, lower depression, and even decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
5. Be More Connected
As we develop careers and start families it’s often difficult to maintain old friendships. In fact, many of us wonder what happened to all of our college friends in our 40s. However, studies show that making an effort to stay connected to friends and family live longer, happier, healthier lives compared to those who don’t value friendship.
6. Eat Better
One of the most common resolutions known to human beings is the vow to eat fresher, healthier food. It might be to strengthen immunity, curb alcoholic or caffeine consumption, get more energy, or lose weight, but regardless, we all know that what we put into our bodies has a direct effect on our heart and other organs, mental prowess, body composition, and prevalence for diseases (i.e., like diabetes, stroke, and even cancer).
7. Explore The World
The anticipation of a long awaited adventure can open your world and mind up to endless possibilities. That’s why many of us vow to travel more in the New Year. Seeking adventure in places you’ve never been can catapult you out of a rut and help you feel in control of your destiny. A trip (what I like to refer to as an adventure) recharges your life without the need for any permanent or dramatic change. Sometimes it’s enough to infuse a routine life with learning and freshness.
8. Give Back
Studies consistently show that those who give selflessly of themselves are actually reaping many health benefits. In fact, personal happiness increases greatly when we help others, creating a sense of life control, social bonds, self worth, and positive emotions that ward off the effects of certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases.