Have you cut calories and started working out with little success? You may be suffering from hypothyroidism. Alternately, if you eat way more than usual without the ability to gain weight, you may suffer from hyperthyroidism. Approximately 59-million people in the United States suffer from thyroid issues—and many don’t even realize they have a health problem. A dysfunctional thyroid can cause unexplained physical pain in muscles or joints with no physical exertion. Swelling in the neck or a visibly enlarged thyroid gland (the butterfly shaped gland located in the throat) can also result in neck tenderness and a horse voice. Fatigue, even following a night of 8 hours of sleep or more, also indicates hypothyroidism. While many with hyperthyroidism suffer from nighttime insomnia. Thyroid disease in it’s early stages can cause physical changes to hair (i.e., thinning hair or hair loss) and skin (i.e., dry, scaly skin) as well as depression and panic attacks. Painful bowel movements, chronic constipation, and heavy menstrual periods (for women) are common signs of hypothyroidism. While light or irregular periods often indicate hyperthyroidism.
Tune into the ActiveBeat on YouTube to learn more about thyroid issues…