Regardless of how young, energetic, and physically svelte you are—you’re still at risk of dehydration. Even mild dehydration (less than 2%) can caused fatigue, headaches, tension, anxiety and difficulty concentrating while long-term dehydration can cause serious issues, like kidney stones.
The danger of dehydration isn’t just the lack of fluids in the body, it’s the fact that many folks don’t even realize they are dehydrated until it’s much too late. Think about it this way; even though the human body can survive without food for weeks—we can’t go without it for more than 24 to 48 hours due to amount of times the body uses water in our every day, hour, and minute processes for things like sweating, eliminating waste, digestion, blood production, electrolyte stability, and to deliver nutrients to our cells. These processes depend on water, so going without enough for days, weeks, months or years can be dangerous to your health.
Once you add other health issues into the mix, for instance, diabetes, autoimmune disease, kidney disease, and even something beneficial like dieting and your chances of dehydration increase dramatically.
How do you know when you’re dehydrated?
Medical professionals tell us that we can’t rely on thirst alone. It’s important to drink water (or herbal teas) throughout the day to replenish water in the body and stay properly hydrated.
1. Urination check
The most effective method to check for dehydration is to look at the color of your urine—the lighter the color; the more hydrated you are—while dark urine means it’s time to drink some fluids. It’s always wise to carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go.
2. Press check
Another method to test for dehydration is to press you finger in the middle of your forearm for 10 or 15 seconds. When you remove your finger off, take heed of your skin’s bounce back rate when it comes to color and depression. The faster it bounces back the more hydrated you are.
3. Mood
Often times, if you’re dehydrated, a good signifier is your mood. Dehydration makes you feel fatigued, moody, and very low energy.
Source: BlazeOnline